So Erik, one of my little brothers, called me on Saturday to let me know he got engaged (whoop whoop!). I am super delighted for him. She is brilliant and kind and beautiful---a great addition to the family gene pool.
He's the last of us to get married. This is quite amazing---not that Erik is getting married, but that any of us got married. There was a period of time where we described each other as cool but "not marriage material." It was a joke...sort of. I, for one, could not imagine the type of person that would voluntarily put themselves in our company for eternity.
But first Matt found Sarah.
Then it was Tom and Kristen.
I married Chris.
Joe proposed to Stephanie (This is not exactly a picture of Stephanie, but I think there is a great deal of resemblance there).
And now Erik and Erica are getting married (Erica is in veterinary school right now. Cool, no? Every time I find a baby bird out of its nest I know who to call!).
(And who can imagine the weird events that resulted in my mom and dad getting married?)
Somehow, through accident, or luck, or faith (our mother's), or blackmail we all got (or are getting) married. And we didn't do too bad.
Back to Erik and Erica. I would like to tell you what I know of their engagement story. Erica, obviously, loves animals, and at one time told Erik about the the mating dance of the blue footed booby. I guess they talked about it a lot. It's pretty funny. Anyway, Erik took Erica to the temple and put on some blue slippers. He then did the blue footed booby dance. AND made her do it back before he gave her a ring. The way a blue footed booby dance ends successfully is when the male drops a twig in front of the female and she picks it up. Erik may or may not have made Erica pick the ring off the ground. By the way, the ring is super beautiful.

You see why I think no one would ever marry one of us. As my friend Jessi would say, we are "extremely questionable." However, since Erica joined in the dance it means that she is questionable as well. Welcome to this awesomely ridiculous family!
So hooray hooray! Erik's getting married! What a great weekend!
1. At first I thought you said she was "kind of beautiful."
2. Did they do the blue-footed booby dance IN the temple?
Both of Katie's questions are good questions. AKA ditto.
Oh, sorry. No, just on the temple grounds.
I'm glad you married Chris. I think Sophie's going to be a really quirky kid. With uncles who do mating dances on the temple grounds and dye bits of their hair blonde, I don't expect anything less.
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