Monday, November 15, 2010

Follow up on backwards scooting baby

She often gets stuck here.

Also, here's a video that I forgot to load on my family blog.


Kathy Haynie said...

Gotta love those autumn colors!

Patricia said...

What a great video!! I love the world through her eyes......

Katie Lewis said...

Olivia is a great lover of the color purple. Well, of saying the color purple at least. I think she and Soapy will have a lot to talk about at Christmas time.

Also, just this morning as I was driving back from the city library I was thinking about how close I was to your guys' old place and how awesome it would be if you still lived there and I could go stop by and we could all hang out or go for a walk or something. It all sounded very quaint and awesome in my head. Perhaps someday it will be true, but hopefully you won't have to live in a one bedroom apartment for it to be fulfilled.