Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gambling is a bad choice

Today we went to a birthday party for one of Sophie's friends. It was at the bowling alley.I'm pretty lousy at bowling, but bowling with little kids is way more fun than bowling with grownups (it turns out I had to bowl a lot on my mission, weird no?), so the party was really fun. I had just started (my first bowl I hit 0 pins, and I think my second bowl I hit four), when Chris sidled up and asked if I wanted to make a small wager that I could beat him. Despite the fact that Chris (and every other human being), is better at bowling than me, I immediately agreed. I kind of like gambling. And I could get FIFTY DOLLARS if I won. FITTY DOLLARS!

I tell you what, my game PICCCKKKEEDDD UPPPPPP after that bet. Seriously, I have never played such a good game in my life. Three strikes in a row. Then I did one of those things where all the pins go down but one. My next bowl---I hit that one lone pin dead on. I was on fire.

And guess what, I was beating Chris. I was beating everyone. I was amazing. Until suddenly in the ninth...hole? inning? Bowling time? Maybe bracket? I do not understand your bowling lingo. Anyway, in the ninth thing I suddenly lost my game. And it would have been okay, I was head and shoulders above everyone else except for Chris, who was also playing the best game of his life because FIFTY DOLLARS!!! So I lost. I bowled 146 and I lost. To smug-weaselface Chris Lewis even. Don't even ask me what he bowled, I'm so mad. Sniff.  FIFTY DOLLARS. Sigh.

Don't gamble kids.


Lisa Lou said...

Chris is such a gambler. Like when he lost $75 (or maybe $175) in slot machines in high school. Sad that you won/lost at bowling. One time I went bowling and decided to take off my glasses for "blind bowling" and did the best I've ever done.

Becky said...

You are hilarious. I think I say that for every post!'s just true. And I just LOVE LOVE LOVE your links!

Kathy Haynie said... you have separate bank accounts or something? You guys crack me up. Maybe I'll go make a bet with Mark. Hmmm...what could I kick his little behind in...

Patricia said...

hahaha!!! Man, oh man! Sorry you lost...
Chris, we'd love to hear your side of the story. I'll bet you can't resist telling us how you did it.....

Anna said...

This is Chris not Anna

Oh yeah! I was so happy when I finally won. I got a 178 which I am pretty sure is my best score, but I haven't ever really had a reason to pay close attention to my score. It turns out $50 dollars is just the right amount to make me pay close attention to my hand orientation and footwork when I bowl.

The money was coming out of our allowances for the month, so that $50 would mean I wouldn't be able to get pop-tarts or fruit roll-ups or gushers or little marzipan fruit baskets for myself.

Katie Lewis said...

First of all, that weasleface really looks a lot like Chris. (For reals.)

Second of all, this is why we cannot play Life with you anymore.